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2011 Non-Partisan Procedure Report on the Village Non-Partisan System
Scarsdale Electoral Policy
1. A Confidentiality Policy and a process for dealing with breaches of such Confidentiality Policy should be adopted as part of the Non-Partisan Resolution, originally adopted December 11, 1930 and amended from time to time (the "Non- Partisan Resolution"). The main elements of such process for dealing with breaches should be that any member of the Citizens Nominating Committee ("CNC"), voting or non-voting, can report a breach of the CNC Confidentiality Policy to The Procedure Committee for review and possible sanctions. Such sanctions could include public censure, removal from the CNC and/or making such person ineligible to serve on the CNC and/or The Procedure Committee for not less than three (3) years from the expiration of such person's term. The Non- Partisan Resolution should be amended accordingly and, in addition, to require each CNC member to agree in writing to the Confidentiality Policy as a condition to being seated, all as set forth in Appendix A. 2. Guidelines for conducting due diligence by CNC members of each person who submitted a completed Information Form to the CNC (a "Potential Nominee") for Village Trustee or Mayor should be adopted as part of the CNC Rules of Procedure, in the form attached as Appendix B. Such guidelines, as more particularly outlined below, should provide that no CNC member should be able to contact a Potential Nominee except for casual conversation between friends/acquaintances; the only other permitted communications between CNC 535854.7 2 members and Potential Nominees should be (i) in a case of information or an allegation related to a potential nominee's character, professional qualifications, service and other biographical information, communication could be made in order to determine the veracity of, and to enable the Potential Nominee to refute, the information or allegation, and (ii) communication could be made in accordance with Guidelines for Communication between CNC members and Potential Nominees and Guidelines for the Nominator of a Potential Nominee each adopted from time to time by the CNC, copies of which are attached as Appendices C and D, respectively. 3. The role of, and guidelines for, the Nominator of Potential Nominees in the CNC process should be clarified, in accordance with the Guidelines for Nominators attached as Appendix D. Specifically, the Nominator does not have to be an advocate or "campaign manager" for the Potential Nominee nominated by such person. 4. Voting Procedures should be adopted as part of the CNC Rules of Procedure, in the form attached as Appendix E. 5. Guidelines for Potential Nominees should be adopted as part of the CNC Rules of Procedures, in the form attached as Appendix F. 6. The role of the Town and Village Civic Club ("TVCC") is limited to supplying by designation or appointment some of the personnel who, on an impartial, non-voting and substantively non-participatory basis, assist with the mechanics of CNC administration. This arrangement should be continued. 7. Strategies to better educate the community about the Non-partisan System should be devised and implemented.
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