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  • New Strategies for Promoting Well-Being & Addressing Mental Health Issues in Scarsdale Schools
    There has been an upsurge in mental health challenges among adolescents in the United States, prior to and during the covid pandemic period. This disturbing trend has continued post-pandemic. The experiences of Scarsdale’s youth mirror this trend, according to district mental health professionals and Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service staff who interact with our students. The Scarsdale school district has been proactive in its efforts to address mental heath and well-being issues with a multitude of programs, curriculum-based interventions, and professional development coursework. The objective of this Report of the Forum Education Committee is to provide information on how Scarsdale’s schools can continue to support the well-being and mental health of Scarsdale’s youth, and to propose potential strategies and recommendations to encourage the school district administration to continue its laudatory efforts in addressing mental health challenges facing our school community.
    Report #:
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